Im so impressed by all of these wonderful cookie decorators and it has inspired me to want to bake and decorate cookies, and the cookies will get aten up more in the house than a cake, so that equals more baking for me :) Ive seen many many many decorated cookies and they are all so wonderfully done, for example some of these cookies by wonderful cookie decorators...
By:Sweet C's Bake
By:Flour De Lis
By:The Baked Equation
By:The Cookie Puzzle
Hopefully I can become a fantastic cookie decorator like these wonderful artists.
So here is my question to cookie decorators out there how long does it take, is cookie decorating time consuming, would you suggest cookie decorating to others.
What are some great recipies to make cookies, or how do you prepare the icing.
Where are the best place to buy cutters from. do you perfer metal or plastic cutters.
Are there so easy techniques on how to accomplish cookie making. Or any other advice. :)
I really want to start in the cookie making but I need some help/advice. Leave me a comment or two :) on something that could help me get started :)
Thank you blog readers/posters <3