

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mickey Mouse Cookies

I kinda have this new thing for Mickey Mouse and I seen these adorable cookie cutters and I had to get them....

 These cookie cutters were just the greatest things ever and they were by Wilton :)

Well from my previous posts you all know that I am starting to get into the cookie decorating so I had baked me up a batch of sugar cookies and used the cutters.
And this is what I came up with...

They didnt turn out too bad, its just my royal icing was at a more thicker consistency and it didnt give it a smooth finish (but im still new to this, so im not that mad)

So, if you have any tips for me on how to make my royal icing better, or would like to suggest a recipe just leave a comment and let me know :)

- ♥Sweettooth